Franklin Park: Blizzard Views
With Snowpocalypse 2013 bearing down on New England, my wife Nicole and I decided to take a short walk through the Wilderness part of the park today. The snow was just starting, so we’ll have to go back tomorrow and see how buried things are. Anyway, enjoy a few winter views of Franklin Park.
We didn’t want to venture too far away from home as the wind and snow were picking up, so just before the Ellicott Arch we made a left into the woods and up the 99 Steps.
The Wilderness is still full of damage left by Hurricanes Sandy and Irene, much of which hasn’t been cleaned up. Along the 99 Steps at a resting place, trees are still down around this snow-covered park map.
We decided to go up Hagborne Hill and exit the park along Glen Road. Not far from that park exit is the great bakery Canto 6 and it was time for lunch!
We arrived home a little chilly but with a bag of sandwiches and baked goods. Snow is still falling as I write, and the news is predicting that we’ll have a bigger storm than ’78. So hopefully more pictures tomorrow — with dramatically different views!
Click here for more meditations on Franklin Park.
Categorised as: Franklin Park
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