Franklin Park: New Then & Now Feature!
Last weekend over brunch, my friend Colin asked if I had any plans to use all my Franklin Park photo archives to create a visual Park history. He reminded me that I had been going around making videos that recreated vintage photographs, and wondered if I could do something that showed then & now so people could compare them.
This weekend I had some time, so I typed up a small module that should make Colin happy. Above you see a sample of it, showing one of my favorite then/now views of the Overlook Shelter. I’ve added a whole page to the site, which you can always access by the sidebar. I’m launching the page today with 25 images, which you can see by thumbnail previews or by popping up an interactive map showing where in the Park the photos were taken.
I’ll be adding more photos to the page as I shoot them, so check back often!
Also, if you have a favorite vintage view of the Park and want to see a then/now pair, send me the image and I’ll try to make it happen.
Categorised as: Franklin Park | Photography
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